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Saturday, June 29, 2013


All believers have a God-given purpose that is unique and special.  We're all responsible to seek God to learn what it is and how to accomplish it by giving our will and our lives to God .  We do this for the purpose of serving God and for helping to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

 It can be difficult, if not impossible to do God's will if we try on our own.  Through prayer, worshiping God and practicing the Word we are able to wait upon God in faith to learn what He desires for us to do.  By guidance of the Holy Spirit we'll receive the timing and instructions we need to follow God's path rather than our own.

Not only should you seek God for His will, but you must share the light of it through God’s Word whether you’ve walked a long stretch of your life with God or you’ve just taken that first step with Him. The purpose of your life purpose is to help spread the Gospel in one form or another. If you don’t walk in God’s love for others, many who may have been won to Christ may never be saved because of actions that are harmful and leave a bad impression.

You and I are expected to live by a high standard with a responsibility to display Christ in the way we live personally and in business. We need to treat people they way Christ did when He walked the earth. This doesn’t mean that we’re to let people abuse us or steal from us, but we’re to uphold the Word.

When you take your place or function in the Body of Christ you're more responsible to uphold Biblical ethics than new Christians or confused Christians who live on the fence by going to church on Sundays, but are living the rest of the week on their own without God's guidance. Once you receive the light of God's Word and His guidance and begin to walk in it, you must continue God's way and not your own if you desire to continue living a successful Christian lifestyle.


If you're not sure what your life purpose is and how to seek God for it, I decided to continue my Christian Money Growth book, Christian Money Growth For Your Financial Breakthrough with another book about life purpose titled, Discover Your Divine Purpose because many Christians are wondering why they have money problems and are not realizing their Biblical blessings.

I felt it was appropriate to address both life purpose and Christian money growth God's way because when we turn our lives over to God in faith through our life purpose, He will supply us with everything we need and much more.  He desires for His children to be more than sufficient in all things because when we have what we need and want, we are able to spend more time serving His endeavors.

If you would like to learn more about this powerful subject, click here or watch the video below.  



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Margaret Lukasik

Margaret Lukasik

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Discover The Secret Key Of The Cross
Break The Sheep Mentality

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