"This exciting home study for financial growth or debt relief God's way is helping Christians all over the world take control of their money and grow closer to God at the same time! Now it's your turn. Let me help you not only increase your money, but achieve successful Christian living at the same time! Take the key to your success in Christ!"
Margaret Lukasik, Serving the Christian community since 1999 as an Author and Life Coach (now retired).CHRISTIAN MONEY GROWTH
Bible Study
Based Upon Biblical Scripture!
Many years ago I looked to God for financial growth through various Bible studies relating to money. I began to realize success once I combined the verses that teach Kingdom Living from Matthew 6:25-34 and God's financial principles which also include our salvation inheritance. Because salvation includes a multitude of blessings, the first and greatest being eternal life, I called the process God's Wealth Plan.
Using the term, "God's wealth plan," I'm not referring to money only as the prosperity preachers or the dishonest televangelists do, but the wealth of spiritual growth and blessings you will receive as you center upon God and put His kingdom first for your money growth or debt relief. When you look to God for any need, including your financial circumstances, you will see the amazing things that God can do in your life and through your life for others--no matter what your situation!
"I've told Christians for years that God works on our behalf in good or bad financial times. It's our choice whether we prosper financially and in life by taking a stand with God against the difficulties that come against us."
Why My Book Is Unique From Other Similar Books
My book is based upon my successful experiences with God's Word. And when I was a Christian life coach I helped others do the same. My husband and I are retired now, but I know what God can do first hand because when we were married many years ago we had great financial difficulties.
We were new to the Word, but we trusted that God would help us. At times we were desperate, but we eventually learned that it was the wrong attitude in which to approach God. Desperation leads to fear and fear leads to doubt. With an attitude of doubt, one cannot approach God and receive successful results. So we had to learn from the scriptures how to trust God by believing that He would help us when we asked. As we studied more, we discovered a specific way to give our burdens to God so that we could be at peace while God was working on our behalf.
Once we learned how to trust God for financial growth, we were amazed at how easy our lives became. We received the clarity for doing our part using God's financial principles while God worked miracles over our lives to bless us with financial growth almost every month through many sources. We actually retired early two years ago and are living a blessed life, including financial with continued money growth through our writing.
Recently God did the same for our son who had lost his job due to downsizing after getting full custody of his two sons. Now he and his boys are thriving due to the new job he had received and the blessings that continue through his current employment.
Change is on the horizon for you too, even if you are in debt or have little or no money. It doesn't matter with God what your situation is, He will answer your request, as long as you know how to ask His way. Let me teach you the simple steps that are needed to "TAKE" God at His Word and live the promises of His blessings.
What The God's Wealth Plan eBook Is Not!
My Christian Money Growth - God's Wealth Plan eBook is easy to read and implement, but it doesn't promise you that you won't have to put effort into your circumstances. I'll show you how to immediately and effectively put God in the middle of your circumstances, but you have a part to play as well.
First, you have to apply God's principles. They're easy, but people tend to make the things of God complicated with their complex thinking and problems that have only compounded over the years. You're going to have to do things God's way, not your way. Besides, your way hasn't been working if you have serious money problems.
Next, you'll have to see yourself as "worthy" of receiving God's help in your situation. I'm going to teach you how to begin with God RIGHT NOW, not when your life is free of problems. While on this earth, problems always exist, but I'm going to show you how to always overcome them with Victory Thru Jesus Christ. But you have to know that even in the midst of your problems, you are worthy to receive from God as soon as you turn over your problems to Him.
Christian Money Growth is not a book of FALSE PROMISES. It's a book of God's truth that I have proven with my life and the lives of others, including my family members. The Christian Money Growth Home Study will help you begin changing your circumstances today. Look no farther for financial Biblical knowledge and application -- you've found the WAY! GOD'S WAY!
To help you enjoy peace and joy while you grow your money I'm also including a FREE Bonus! You'll also receive my Christian Money Growth workbook that will heighten your study efforts for continued progress (see below).
Many books on spiritual financial growth are generic, giving the choice of seeing God as whatever power source one wants to make Him. There is no mention of the power of Jesus Christ on the cross and the ability we have to rest in Him
while we increase our money.
As Christians we need to base everything we do upon the uncompromised Word of God. However, by listening to and reading books written by authors of WORLDLY content who are not committed to any one specific belief we risk the danger of learning information that will take us away from the Christian ethic and perspective on money.
Our first motive for financial growth should be for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Have you ever said to yourself, "I wish I had more money so that I could do more for God" and then you dismissed the idea with the believe that you would never would have more money?
Wishing will never turn your desires into a reality, but learning how to give to God in specific ways will when you know what they are and when you know how to have the right attitude before God. This information will make the money you give to your church or other places that receive your financial support prosper your life rather than make your financial circumstances worse than before you gave!
The God's Wealth Plan eBook For FINANCIAL FREEDOM and SUCCESSFUL CHRISTIAN LIVING is a refreshing and affective means of teaching Biblical principles for increasing money, getting out of debt, and learning how to create excess income. Learning how to understand money growth God's way will give you the kind of control over your money that will allow you to give abundantly to your church, community, family and whatever endeavors you desire to pursue.
As you begin reading the God's Wealth Plan eBook, you will experience a change in the way you approach money and debt that will last a lifetime and that will ultimately prosper you and affect your loved ones by creating a legacy of continued success for your children.
More exciting, you're going to understand who you are in Christ, an important aspect of Kingdom Living that will give you the confidence to develop your
income earning capabilities.
By going right to the source of FINANCIAL INCREASE by utilizing the information in the God's Wealth Plan eBook, you will not only learn how to generate more money, but you will learn how to keep it while you develop a lifestyle that will give you peace and consistent joy. income earning capabilities.
As soon as you begin reading this dynamic Christian information, you'll begin to see and understand the blessings that belong to you and how to receive them. Many Christians don't now how to receive from God, but you're going to learn how to receive by the authority of Jesus Christ and because of what Jesus did for you on the cross.
You'll also receive my Christian Money Growth Workbook FREE! Like the God's Wealth Plan eBook, the workbook is in PDF format so that you can easily record your progress the way I did in order to achieve success sooner than later.
I designed the Christian Money Growth Workbook to help you organize your daily efforts. It will help your faith go from average to "mountain moving" as mentioned in Mark 11:23.
Years ago I learned to keep an account of my money growth, debt relief and financial opportunities to help build my faith. As I looked at what I had accomplished on a regular basis, I was able to expect more from God. It makes the Christian Money Growth eBook even more exciting to use!
Years ago I learned to keep an account of my money growth, debt relief and financial opportunities to help build my faith. As I looked at what I had accomplished on a regular basis, I was able to expect more from God. It makes the Christian Money Growth eBook even more exciting to use!
No more worrying if you're going to have enough money to get by, this dynamic home study is going to clearly show you that worry and stress are not of God. He has clearly provided a way for you to immediately be at rest and at peace while you go about your day no matter what!
That's why I'm going to show you how to make the following verse a reality in your life the way it is for me and others who have learned how to let Jesus intervene in their lives.
Whether you know it or not, Matthew 11:28-30 combined with the principles of Kingdom living will become an explosive force in your life as you learn how easy it is to center upon God first. The way I teach these verses, you won't have to wait months or years to make the kind of changes in your life you need to realize success and guidance -- you're going to make them now!
As you do this, you'll be building a blessed lifestyle that will yield God's best for a well-rounded life and the financial freedom you need.
And don't worry, it's not wrong to desire money growth, it's only wrong to covet money and make that goal the center of your life.
This exceptional and unique home study will put God at the center of your life and it will make Him the source of all your money growth from the moment you begin in reference to 3 John 1:2.
The chapters were each designed to build within your mind the patterns of success needed to overcome the failure thoughts that were created in you years ago. Today is the day to be done with that mentality for good! You are going to think God's higher thoughts according to Isaiah 55:9.
Within the pages of the God's Wealth Plan eBook, I will teach you the ONE EASY STEP for making affirmations turn God's Word into a reality for you NOW! You Can't Afford To Wait Any Longer to receive this dynamic information!
You really have nothing to lose and everything to gain as the information you learn will benefit every part of your life. So get started living God's Kingdom life right now based upon Matthew 6:25-34.
I've been teaching Christians through my Life Coaching Program, my books and websites since 1999. Now that I'm now retired as a coach, I have the time to share the information that will help you reach your spiritual, personal, and financial goals all at the same time. So if you're interested in moving forward with your life, this book will help you do just that.
That's why I'm going to show you how to make the following verse a reality in your life the way it is for me and others who have learned how to let Jesus intervene in their lives.
Matthew 11:28-30:
28. "Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy burdened and I will give you rest. 29. Take my yoke (get in the harness with Jesus) upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest unto your souls. 30. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Whether you know it or not, Matthew 11:28-30 combined with the principles of Kingdom living will become an explosive force in your life as you learn how easy it is to center upon God first. The way I teach these verses, you won't have to wait months or years to make the kind of changes in your life you need to realize success and guidance -- you're going to make them now!
As you do this, you'll be building a blessed lifestyle that will yield God's best for a well-rounded life and the financial freedom you need.
And don't worry, it's not wrong to desire money growth, it's only wrong to covet money and make that goal the center of your life.
This exceptional and unique home study will put God at the center of your life and it will make Him the source of all your money growth from the moment you begin in reference to 3 John 1:2.
The chapters were each designed to build within your mind the patterns of success needed to overcome the failure thoughts that were created in you years ago. Today is the day to be done with that mentality for good! You are going to think God's higher thoughts according to Isaiah 55:9.
- Is it difficult to implement Biblical principles for success you might ask?
Within the pages of the God's Wealth Plan eBook, I will teach you the ONE EASY STEP for making affirmations turn God's Word into a reality for you NOW! You Can't Afford To Wait Any Longer to receive this dynamic information!
You really have nothing to lose and everything to gain as the information you learn will benefit every part of your life. So get started living God's Kingdom life right now based upon Matthew 6:25-34.
I've been teaching Christians through my Life Coaching Program, my books and websites since 1999. Now that I'm now retired as a coach, I have the time to share the information that will help you reach your spiritual, personal, and financial goals all at the same time. So if you're interested in moving forward with your life, this book will help you do just that.
Christian Money Growth eBook Highlights:
- Learn to avoid the mistakes that Christians make when they pray for money
- Find out how God's wealth plan will help you discover the right direction for your life
- Learn the right way to ask God for money
- You will grow in spiritual and personal confidence
- It's easy to read and implement
Why wait another day? I'm going to show you how to get God working on behalf of your money today while you learn how to do your part for Christian Money Growth!
There are many voices that proclaim amazing success strategies, but their instructions are not rooted in God's wisdom about success and financial prosperity. Most are only intended to sell information rather than change lives for the better with Christian principles. By going straight to the source you will learn more than just how to get more money, but you'll achieve a total lifestyle of peace, joy, and spiritual abundance.
If you're a Christian, this program will free you to become everything God created in you already -- it's just waiting for you to unlock the door! As you learn to get out of debt and increase your money God's way, you will actually be opening the door to God's greatest blessings. And it doesn't matter who you are or what you've done, God is greater than your problems. I will show you how to forgive yourself Biblically so that you will grow in great confidence to achieve the dreams God put into your heart!
So take advantage of my special offer today!
- See more at: http://lifepurposebooks.com/MLB/Christian-money-growth.html#sthash.pQ8BhhiY.dpuf
- See more at: http://lifepurposebooks.com/MLB/Christian-money-growth.html#sthash.pQ8BhhiY.dpuf
- See more at: http://lifepurposebooks.com/MLB/Christian-money-growth.html#sthash.pQ8BhhiY.dpuf
Along with my God's Wealth Plan eBook, you will also receive my personal email address to contact me at any time if you need help with the information. But I've made the information easy to read and implement so it's just a matter of taking action now. You can conveniently print out my information, read it from your computer, Smartphone or many digital devices.
- See more at: http://lifepurposebooks.com/MLB/Christian-money-growth.html#sthash.pQ8BhhiY.dpuf
There are many voices that proclaim amazing success strategies, but their instructions are not rooted in God's wisdom about success and financial prosperity. Most are only intended to sell information rather than change lives for the better with Christian principles. By going straight to the source you will learn more than just how to get more money, but you'll achieve a total lifestyle of peace, joy, and spiritual abundance.
If you're a Christian, this program will free you to become everything God created in you already -- it's just waiting for you to unlock the door! As you learn to get out of debt and increase your money God's way, you will actually be opening the door to God's greatest blessings. And it doesn't matter who you are or what you've done, God is greater than your problems. I will show you how to forgive yourself Biblically so that you will grow in great confidence to achieve the dreams God put into your heart!
So take advantage of my special offer today!
Achieve Successful Living In Christ By...
- Resting in Christ while you trust God to increase your money now...
- Getting God's immediate assistance in your finances
- Understanding God's financial principles and how they work together
- Understanding the principle of the "key of the cross" for "Money"
- Taking your blessings now, even with money problems
- Succeeding in your life and life goals
- Becoming a great steward for God and perpetuating your money
- Letting God develop you for future success in Him
- Developing perpetual joy and peace
- Knowing that you are worthy to receive from God
- Receiving your heart's desires in Christ and much more....
Achieve Successful Living In Christ By...
- Resting in Christ while you trust God to increase your money now...
- Getting God's immediate assistance in your finances
- Understanding God's financial principles and how they work together
- Understanding the principle of the "key of the cross" for "Money"
- Taking your blessings now, even with money problems
- Succeeding in your life and life goals
- Becoming a great steward for God and perpetuating your money
- Letting God develop you for future success in Him
- Developing perpetual joy and peace
- Knowing that you are worthy to receive from God
- Receiving your heart's desires in Christ and much more....
In Review
Achieve Successful Living In Christ By...
- Resting in Christ while you trust God to increase your money now...
- Getting God's immediate assistance in your finances
- Understanding God's financial principles and how they work together
- Understanding the principle of the "key of the cross" for "Money"
- Taking your blessings now, even with money problems
- Succeeding in your life and life goals
- Becoming a great steward for God and perpetuating your money
- Letting God develop you for future success in Him
- Developing perpetual joy and peace
- Knowing that you are worthy to receive from God
- Receiving your heart's desires in Christ and much more....
Achieve Successful Living In Christ By...
- Resting in Christ NOW while you trust God to increase your money
- Getting God's immediate assistance in your finances
- Understanding God's financial principles and how they work together
- Understanding the principle of the "key of the cross"
- Taking your blessings now, even with money problems
- Succeeding in your life and life goals
- Becoming a great steward for God to perpetuate your money further
- Letting God develop you for future success in Him
- Developing perpetual joy and peace
- Knowing that you are worthy to receive from God
- Learning how to use affirmations God's way and much more...
Along with my God's Wealth Plan eBook, you will also receive my personal email address to contact me at any time if you need help with the information. But I've made the information easy to read and implement so it's just a matter of taking action now. You can conveniently print out my information, read it from your computer, Smartphone or many digital devices.
So There Is Absolutely No Risk To You!
Take one step forward now with God's wealth plan, and God will take over and walk with you the rest of the way to Kingdom Living!
Achieve Successful Living In Christ By...
- Resting in Christ while you trust God to increase your money now...
- Getting God's immediate assistance in your finances
- Understanding God's financial principles and how they work together
- Understanding the principle of the "key of the cross" for "Money"
- Taking your blessings now, even with money problems
- Succeeding in your life and life goals
- Becoming a great steward for God and perpetuating your money
- Letting God develop you for future success in Him
- Developing perpetual joy and peace
- Knowing that you are worthy to receive from God
- Receiving your heart's desires in Christ and much more....
You Will Receive Both eBooks Below.
The God's Wealth Plan eBook, Christian Money Growth, For Your Financial Breakthrough
The Christian Money Growth Workbook To Help You With God's Wealth Plan Principles
Important Notice For Ordering
P.S. Remember, after you purchase the Christian Money Growth God's Wealth Plan eBook, don't forget to click on the "Return To Merchant Button" immediately after ordering. This step will take you to the download page. Contact me immediately if you forget so that I can help you. I will respond quickly should you have a problem.
The God's Wealth Plan eBook information and all associated materials and related studies are the complete work of the site's author, Margaret Lukasik, and cannot be copied by any means without her express written permission. This Christian Money Growth - God's Wealth Plan eBook information page cannot be copied by any means. All rights are reserved.
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