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Monday, August 12, 2013

My new series will help you live a successful Christian lifestyle...

My new Successful Living In Christ Series is off to a great start.  I've recently got the first part of my series, Discover The Secret Key To The Cross on Kindle and I'm just about ready to get Breaking The Sheep Mentality on Kindle.  It should be up by the end of this week.  I'll make the announcement here on my blog.

Discover The Secret Key Of The Cross is the center of the series, however, each book will be complete in itself.  I am offering each book in PDF format as well as Kindle.  Some of the books will have workbooks, such as the Key Of The Cross Workbook.  Each book addresses the subject with prayer, affirmations from scripture and an end chapter that will give a review of the book along with examples to help readers better understand the subject and apply it to their lives.

Currently I have 5 books that I'm preparing for Kindle versions.  The titles are Christian Money Growth, Doing Business God's Way, Destiny Discovery, It Makes Perfect Biblical Sense with other books in the making that have to do with living a successful life in Christ no matter what problem a person is experiencing.  I will also cover areas of the Bible that need more understanding such as forgiveness, healing, baptism in the Spirit, different types of prayer and more.

I'll also be creating Podcasts based upon the subjects of the books in my Successful Living In Christ Series that will better help you solve the problems in your life that are keeping you from your living your salvation to the fullest. 

To learn more about Discover The Secret Key To The Cross, go here.

To learn more about Breaking The Sheep Mentality, go here.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

You Are Right With God Through Jesus!

Under the old covenant, sins were merely covered.  

Hebrews 10:11  And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.

But today we have the new covenant which is better than the old covenant.   Read the following verse which talks about Jesus:

Hebrews 9:25-26, Not that He should offer Himself often, as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with the blood of another—He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.

Jesus removes our sin in the new covenant.  John the Baptist announced in John 1:29 when He saw Jesus,  (The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said,) “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!  Jesus doesn’t just cover it, He takes it away!

Because of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross we have right-standing with God because we have been made new creations in Christ Jesus.  We don’t look at our sin the way God’s people from the Old Covenant did.   Once we ask for forgiveness, it’s as if we never sinned as far as God is concerned.  We are right with God because of the new covenant through Jesus Christ!   The new covenant was formed when Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected.  That ended the old covenant!

Think about what this means to you.  You don’t have to see yourself through your sins but as God sees you which is through the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ.  You don’t have to live in misery any more  because you don’t have to live with your past failure.  If you are, then you need to follow Christ right now and begin walking in your inheritance.  It belongs to you not because of who you are but because of Jesus and what He did for you on the cross.

So the next time you start to feel badly about your past or the mistakes you’ve made, STOP and remember who you are in Christ.  You are the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ.  Think like it, speak like it and act like it and in time you will make the truth of God’s Word come alive for you.

When you do this, you will begin to realize God’s blessings in your life.  God can’t bless you when you’re looking at yourself instead of the fact that Jesus removes our sins as if they never were.  He removed your sins if you asked for forgiveness.   If you haven’t already, ask for God to remove your sin now and then — KEEP YOUR EYES ON WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST!

Saturday, June 29, 2013


All believers have a God-given purpose that is unique and special.  We're all responsible to seek God to learn what it is and how to accomplish it by giving our will and our lives to God .  We do this for the purpose of serving God and for helping to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

 It can be difficult, if not impossible to do God's will if we try on our own.  Through prayer, worshiping God and practicing the Word we are able to wait upon God in faith to learn what He desires for us to do.  By guidance of the Holy Spirit we'll receive the timing and instructions we need to follow God's path rather than our own.

Not only should you seek God for His will, but you must share the light of it through God’s Word whether you’ve walked a long stretch of your life with God or you’ve just taken that first step with Him. The purpose of your life purpose is to help spread the Gospel in one form or another. If you don’t walk in God’s love for others, many who may have been won to Christ may never be saved because of actions that are harmful and leave a bad impression.

You and I are expected to live by a high standard with a responsibility to display Christ in the way we live personally and in business. We need to treat people they way Christ did when He walked the earth. This doesn’t mean that we’re to let people abuse us or steal from us, but we’re to uphold the Word.

When you take your place or function in the Body of Christ you're more responsible to uphold Biblical ethics than new Christians or confused Christians who live on the fence by going to church on Sundays, but are living the rest of the week on their own without God's guidance. Once you receive the light of God's Word and His guidance and begin to walk in it, you must continue God's way and not your own if you desire to continue living a successful Christian lifestyle.


If you're not sure what your life purpose is and how to seek God for it, I decided to continue my Christian Money Growth book, Christian Money Growth For Your Financial Breakthrough with another book about life purpose titled, Discover Your Divine Purpose because many Christians are wondering why they have money problems and are not realizing their Biblical blessings.

I felt it was appropriate to address both life purpose and Christian money growth God's way because when we turn our lives over to God in faith through our life purpose, He will supply us with everything we need and much more.  He desires for His children to be more than sufficient in all things because when we have what we need and want, we are able to spend more time serving His endeavors.

If you would like to learn more about this powerful subject, click here or watch the video below.  

Monday, June 17, 2013

Living Easy In Christ

Do you ever ask yourself why life so difficult?  If you're a Christian and haven't been taught how to receive the freedom of Jesus Christ, then you're apt to have more trouble in life after becoming a Christian than before. 

"Why would God allow this," you might be wondering?  "He's supposed to be a loving God.  Where is He in my storms of life?"

God is there for you, but you have to be aware of an important truth.  Once you become a child of God you are more of a threat to Satan.  He wants to keep you beaten down and victimized by life in order to prevent you from living the light of God's Word.  God's Word gives you all the ability and victory you need to overcome everything that wants to keep you from living a successful Christian lifestyle. 

God has provided you with an instruction book to overcome all the issues of life.  God and His Word are the same so as you learn how to live by His instructions you also learn more about God and develop the faith that He is indeed always there for you through His Word and guidance. 

John 1 (ASV)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

When you received your salvation you were "born again."  This means that you were a "baby in Christ" and you must grow in the Word through your heart or spirit to develop as a Christian who can triumph over all negative circumstances that come against you.

You Must Learn How To Rest In Christ

You can't fight life's problems on your own.  You've already tried it and it doesn't work.  You need to rest in the work Jesus has already done for you on the cross and let Him take your burdens and give you rest.

It may sound impossible or too difficult, but it's scriptural.  If God says we can do something then He gives us the ability to do it, plain and simple.  All you have to do is practice giving Christ your troubles and allow Him to take over your life and life issues to overcome failure and instead have success.

There is only one way to do that and it's by taking hold of the key of the cross.  Once you do, you will see your burden's disappear, one by one as you turn them over to God through His Son, Jesus Christ.

 Learn How To Take Up Your Key To The Cross! 


If you're ready to live God's way, by taking the success that belongs to you through Jesus Christ, then you're ready to learn how to take your key and use it to unlock God's ability in your life.

It's not just a matter of living a successful life for your own benefit.  Living successfully in Christ means that you are committed to centering your life upon Jesus in all that you do.  Doing this will give you the ability and wisdom to serve God for the sake of the Kingdom by helping other Christians and sharing Christ to the unsaved.

I've been using the key of the cross for many years to overcome the problems in my life caused from a difficult childhood.  Whether we want to or not, we pass our difficulties onto our children by giving them a legacy of defeat and living troubled lives.  If I could change my life circumstances and my family's, so can you.  Discover The Secret Key Of The Cross today and you'll also receive my Key of The Cross Notebook FREE!

Begin living in victory today!

My free notebook will help you put into practice the principle of the key of the cross right away.  It will guide you to make the changes you need much faster by helping you identify areas of your life where you are looking to yourself instead of God for receiving victory and accomplishing your goals.  It will also lead you to God's guidance for receiving your life purpose in Him.

Begin living your most fulfilled life today!  Go to Successful Christian Living To Learn How You Too Can Begin With God Today!

Friday, June 7, 2013

How To Live A Successful Life In Christ Everyday!


The Key To Your Success In Life, Business and Your Christian Walk Is Available For You To Take Hold Of Today!

As we learn to center upon Christ rather than what we can do on our own as a justification for receiving from God, we will receive our inheritance in Christ by "resting in Him" rather than stressing or becoming anxious. 

Looking to ourselves to be worthy before God will cause us to feel guilty every time we make a mistake.  If you're doing this, you'll become sin-conscious rather than forgiven because of what Jesus did for us on the cross.  

Jesus has already taken your burdens and mistakes for you.  So all you have to do is ask God for forgiveness, repent and then move forward with God.  Because He sees you through His Son Jesus Christ and the work He did on the cross you are free!  You don't have to walk in circles everyday trying to be good enough for God to bless.  All you have to do is rest in God by using the principle of the key of the cross.

Matthew 11:29 “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls,”

Psalm 55:22 tells us to cast our burdens upon the Lord and He will sustain us.

All we have to do is give our problems and burdens to Christ.  Then He will take care of us.  Doing this daily will create a peaceful life.  It will also draw you closer to God as you experience His love and care for you. 


Christ Said To Deny Ourselves

Christ said to deny ourselves and take up His cross and follow Him, not our works.  We can never do anything good enough to please God and receive from Him. My work book will help you understand this principle and utilize it daily to help you deny your works and center upon the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.  As you do, you'll see great changes in your life and you will grow in confidence and God's wisdom. 

Matthew 16:24 (KJV) "Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”

If you want to feel worthy of God everyday, filled with confidence that you can have what you need and do what you desire or need to do, take the key of the cross of Jesus Christ and never let it go!

Learn more...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

 God Is Waiting To Bless You!

Most Christians are struggling, trying to be good enough for God to bless them while they just barely get through each day.  The sad part, is that there's nothing you can do to be good enough for God to bless you with a successful life.

Because of Christ's resurrection and through Him you are worthy to ask God for anything and receive.  While we must all obey God's Word which is His will, our obedience does not make us worthy.  Looking at what we do to receive from Christ means that we're looking at ourselves and our work to be good enough or righteous before God.    

This is why Christians are living in such difficulty and stress.  They're struggling on their own, trying to be good enough for  God to help them.  They're also living the legacy of their past rather than the renewed life we've all been given through Jesus Christ.  Christ has set us free by His work on the cross.  All we have to do is rest in Him and trust that what we need or want is being done.

It's true!  You don't have to stress and work yourself into sleepless nights because you don't know what to do about a certain problem or need that you have.  You can look to Christ today rather than your past mistakes and problems!  Whatever you've suffered, you can be set free by letting yourself rest in Christ for the rest of your life!  If you were saved, you have everything you need and want because of what Jesus did for you on the cross.  This is a simple messages but Christians are not living this life.  Why?  Because they were never taught!  It's time for you to learn who you are and what you have! 

REMEMBER! You don't have to wait until someday when you're good enough to be blessed--you can be blessed RIGHT NOW!  This is what you're going to learn in my exciting new book "Discover The Secret Key of the Cross."

Key Of The CrossYou're going to learn why it's been hidden for so long and why you haven't been able to be blessed.  Then I'm going to show you how to immediately begin to walk in all the blessings that belong to you with confidence, boldness and most important, thankfulness to God for supplying all your needs. He has blessed you with success in Christ over all your endeavors whether spiritual, physical, emotional or intellectual.  Learn more from my lesson concerning how to identify with Christ.  Just click on the image at left.

Monday, June 3, 2013

How To Begin Living In Christ Successfully For The Rest Of Your Life

Key of the Cross on Kindle

Announcing "Discover The Secret Key Of The Cross" To Be Available In Kindle Soon

My newest book is now available in PDF digital download, however it is also available in Kindle. I've also included a workbook that will help you make the scriptures come alive in your life.  The information included is the foundation for all Christian studies, and without it, you won't be able to make the kind of changes that will bring you the success in your life that's been missing.  

If you're not experiencing the kind of lifestyle you expected when you were saved, then you need to find out why and what to do about it.  Discover The Secret Key Of The Cross will show you what to do and how to easily make the changes you need for living in Christ successfully.  In a short time you're going to understand what you've been doing wrong and you'll be able to quickly fix your life and your relationship with God.  

Christian success isn't difficult, it's just a matter of learning the truth and then applying it. If you're ready to start living in Christ successfully, you can download the book immediately in PDF format.  It includes a link for the notebook as well.  However, if you prefer, you can wait for the kindle version with the notebook in PDF.  I'll be announcing it here soon. 

For the PDF download of the eBook and eNotebook, click here.  

Go here for Kindle.

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Margaret Lukasik

Margaret Lukasik

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My Books...

Christian Money Growth
Discover The Secret Key Of The Cross
Break The Sheep Mentality

Internet Evangelism

Share Your Christian Growth!...

All Christians are expected to share the Gospel to the lost in some way. If you're not sure how to begin, you can start a ministry right from you home. Choose an online ministry to broadcast the Word of salvation to the lost. More...

Christian Website Designs

A Study Of The Beatitudes...

The Cure

Achieve Successful Christian Living

Everything you need and want has already been done for you in Christ! Get my one-of-a-kind study that is the foundation for all your Bible studies. Learn why you need to put the Key Of The Cross to work in your life today! Continue...